Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Heebee Geebees

Herself says we get the heebee geebees when she goes near us with a measuring tape. Well I do anyway. She tells me to stop buck lepping around.   Sausage is cool about it.  She likes having her belly rubbed and when herself rubs her behind her ears she falls over on her side and closes her eyes so she looks like she's dead.

It's got cold here now.  Some mornings the hose is frozen and we don't get fresh water until afternoon.  We like the sun when it streams into our stable and we lie in it basking like whales according to herself but I'm not sure what's a whale.

There were men down our lane cutting the hedge recently.  They came and had a look in at us and laughed.  We get lots of visitors these days and they all laugh.  I'm not sure why they think we are so funny but they all say that they have never rubbed a pig before.  Then they tell her she can't eat us.  We hope herself listens.

Our laneway

Our neighbours

She has been doing a lot of muttering about a boypig for us. I'm not sure about that because from what I remember in my last place they are a bit bossy and smelly.  Plus we need to move to a new garden so we can dig it up.  We have made a right mess of this one.  It's too mucky even for us now.

Now I have spent enough time on this computer. Have lots of rooting to do today.  But I will keep all you lovely humans updated.

Rasher x

Herself's brother visited