Looking at this photo you would have to admit we've arrived. Sorry for not keeping you all updated but honestly, haven't had any time guys. Been rootin' - you know how it is?
Anyway it's cooled down a bit now and I have a few minutes before hitting the hay. Well it's straw actually. Silly saying really.
Since we left the hell hole with all the rocks we have been really busy making this green patch brown. It's been so hot though we have to spend a lot of time in bed. We get up early and have a bit of a root about. Herself is never up, so then we go back for a kip and eventually she sticks her head over the fence and says we are always in bed? Kettle calling the pot black methinks.
Herself complains we are too fussy. We just don't like apples, carrots, pears or, well lots of stuff. She says we need to be starved for a while.
We love to scratch ourselves on the big silver thing she insists on filling with water. But the stupid Hammy mixes me up with the water barrel sometimes.
Today herself started cutting all the grass down opposite us with a noisy stick. She was swinging it about like there was no tomorrow. She says she's going to give us some more space to root up. She says we are the porcine earth movers.
Do any of you guys know what she's on about because she has us baffled?
I promise to keep you all updated from now on. It's just been - well you know how it is?