Tuesday, 13 August 2013

I'm All Alone

This is Harry the pig, he left a few weeks ago in a horse box. Herself tempted us all up the ramp with a bucket. She pushed me out the jockey door and I thought she was going to push the boys out as well, but she didn't.

I haven't seen them since and I presume they have gone to that "Abba" concert Rasher was on about before she left to go to it herself.

I sulked for days and refused to get up. I pretended to starve myself but it's all being in vain. Herself has still not got me any new friends.

She says she's trying. I kind of believe her because she is out every day muttering about "no pigs".
 She decided to send Harry to Abba when she took this picture of him and saw his big ham!

I'm trying to hide mine but every now and again I catch her checking it out.  She says if I don't smarten up she's getting that horse box again next week.
She used to call us the runts but Hock never really grew. That's him beside me on the right. I'm not much better because Harry bullied us both and ate the most.

She said the butcher said he was only fit to make sausages with. Herself says he'll make the most expensive sausages on the planet because he was fed so well. 

This is me now. Herself said I was so fat I had to be pregnant but I'm not.

I wish she would get me some friends but I'm very worried she's booking that Abba concert again.