Tuesday 6 November 2012

Heebee Geebees

Herself says we get the heebee geebees when she goes near us with a measuring tape. Well I do anyway. She tells me to stop buck lepping around.   Sausage is cool about it.  She likes having her belly rubbed and when herself rubs her behind her ears she falls over on her side and closes her eyes so she looks like she's dead.

It's got cold here now.  Some mornings the hose is frozen and we don't get fresh water until afternoon.  We like the sun when it streams into our stable and we lie in it basking like whales according to herself but I'm not sure what's a whale.

There were men down our lane cutting the hedge recently.  They came and had a look in at us and laughed.  We get lots of visitors these days and they all laugh.  I'm not sure why they think we are so funny but they all say that they have never rubbed a pig before.  Then they tell her she can't eat us.  We hope herself listens.

Our laneway

Our neighbours

She has been doing a lot of muttering about a boypig for us. I'm not sure about that because from what I remember in my last place they are a bit bossy and smelly.  Plus we need to move to a new garden so we can dig it up.  We have made a right mess of this one.  It's too mucky even for us now.

Now I have spent enough time on this computer. Have lots of rooting to do today.  But I will keep all you lovely humans updated.

Rasher x

Herself's brother visited

Thursday 18 October 2012

Ready for Christmas

We know herself thinks we will be fattened and ready for Christmas.  Honestly, she thinks we are turkeys. 

We have been busy for the last few weeks sorting out our bedroom and getting it all nice and cozy for these cold nights.  Herself got us more straw. There was an old bale of hay in the corner which we opened and spread it into a nice big hollow.  We both lie in it now side by side and it's really warm and comfy. 

The food hasn't been too bad lately.  With Halloween coming up we have been getting lots of grapes.  Herself said the veg man looked a bit green handing over a big tray full of grapes.  He had reduced the price by half but they didn't sell.  So we got the lot.  We love grapes.

We still get barley - big buckets full of it.  Sausage is very greedy and sticks her big jowls into mine but I have got very good at defending myself and now she has a bit of respect for me.

We are surprised that we haven't got any spuds yet but we heard herself muttering that they can't dig them with all the rain there has been lately.  Speaking of rain, we don't get out as much anymore because we really don't like it.  In fact when herself comes down to feed us these mornings we haven't even got up and we have to do our stretching and yawning rituals (which she disturbs).

Love an old yawn and stretch
Life is really not so bad now.  We are going to keep on growing slowly and not getting fat.  This is the only way we will stay off the table at Christmas.  We will keep you posted.


Wednesday 29 August 2012

Our Nice Friends

We have discovered that we have lots of nice friends following us on Twitter and also reading our blog.  I bet we are the first pigs ever to blog.  We are really getting the hang of it now and beginning to enjoy it.  The only problem is the mud on the keyboard from our noses causing some of the keys to stick.......

As a thank you to our lovely followers we would like to mention a few very nice people we call aunty and uncle. 

The first and most loyal is our aunty Cat.  She was the one who gave us the idea to start twittering. Then she said we should tell everyone our story.  So to aunty Cat, thank you and hope you had a lovely holiday and that Mr Don does not send anyone after you to get that photo you took of him.

Our next is uncle Lordy who even says he is going to fly over in his helicopter to rescue us before herself tries to turn us into rashers and sausages.  We heard that he did something silly on his holiday and has broken his *whispers* bottom.  We hope he gets better soon before herself does anything to us.

By the way, we would love to know what holidays are and how can Dons chase you or how can you break your bottom while you are on them?

Our next favourites are uncle and aunty Oldfarm.  They tell us all about Jemima and her babies.  We love the stories and the photos of the babies.  They also want to do something to make people aware of the horrible lives our brothers live in pig production units. 

We would love to become the spokespigs for our poor brothers who have a horrible life and don't have lots of nice aunties and uncles like we do.  So this is a small thank you to our lovely friends.  We hope you realise how happy you make two little pigs.