Showing posts with label Piggy blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Piggy blog. Show all posts

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Our First Post

This is our first post and we are very excited about it.  When herself first suggested we write a piggy blog, we didn't have a clue what she was on about.  But then she explained to us that there are lots of small people (and not so small) who haven't a clue that rashers and sausages come from us - shudder!  So maybe we should enlighten them.

She named us Rasher and Sausage (a bit unkindly we feel) however we are happy enough with our names now.  Sausage has a curlier tail and is slightly smaller than I am.

We were born in a lovely garden centre called Caragh Nurseries near Naas, Co. Kildare where Jo was our first "herself".  We had lots of brothers and sisters also called Middle Whites and we were a bit sad to leave them, especially as the new herself arrived down with a cat box to collect us.

When we arrived to Carpenters (the name of the old man who farmed in the traditional way with a cow byre, pig sty and stalls in the old barn for the cart horse).  Herself shoved us in a stable and shut the door so we couldn't escape. We had lovely deep straw and as we were tired we cuddled down into it and fell asleep.

After a couple of days she let us out into the walled garden full of lovely long grass.  We were very happy and straight away started rooting up all the grass searching for grubs and bugs underneath.  We get very dirty noses doing this, especially as it always seems to be raining here.

Now we have settled in and have turned our garden into what looks like a rotivated field.  But we like it like that.  We have permanently dirty noses and when we eat our barley bits of mud fall into it.  We love strawberries and when we eat them the juice dribbles down leaving rivulets through our muddy snouts.

We hope to write lots more posts about our adventures now and hope you will read them and make lots of comments.  After all we don't want to become breakfast really and we hope that you will help us stay as Rasher and Sausage.

Tags: Free Range Pigs  Middle White Pigs  Pig Farming